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Cold Wave Hits China
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Cold Wave Hits China

Dolphin Wong 2016-01-21 14:55:52
Near future our country drops in temperature generally, Issued by the Central Meteorological Station on 21st,Jan 06 o'clock, blue warning of cold wave:

    Under the influence of strong cold air, from 21st to 25th, from North to South in East China will have strong cool and windy weather, most of the temperature will drop 6~8℃, local cooling of up to 10~14℃; the minimum temperature of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will be lower, at around lingxia10℃, 0 c line to the South into the South Central area.

    Expect 21st 08 o'clock on 23rd 08 o'clock, Northwest of the Eastern, Central and Western Inner Mongolia, North China, Huang-Huai and other low or average temperature will fall by 6~8℃, which, in places such as North-Central, Central Inner Mongolia, North China the lowest temperature, or temperatures will drop 10~12℃, can exceed 14 degrees centigrade. These areas with 4~6 and northerly wind, gusts of up to 7~8 level.

    Please specially pays attention to the increase clothes to maintain warmth the cold-resistance,and try not to go outdoors. In such low temperature and snowy weather, you must be drive carefully.